Thursday, March 31, 2005

Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud

An editorial in the March issue of Christianity Today, "a magazine of evangelical conviction," laments that relief workers in the tsunami-hit regions of South Asia are being asked not to evangelize:

"Asking relief workers to muzzle their religious convictions or get out is both unrealistic and unfair—both to the helpers and to those being helped. If religious freedom means anything, relief agencies must be free not only to help, but to explain why they are helping."

Heaven forbid that the locals might resent rich foreigners dispensing aid with conditions attached.

"The affected areas have long been difficult in terms of Christian witness. But as one missionary told The Philadelphia Inquirer, the disaster, though terrible, "is one of the greatest opportunities God has given us to share his love with people.""

Of course. God does indeed move in mysterious ways. He devastates regions and the lives of thousands just so that evangelists can go in with their good news.

Don't share HIS love with them, you fucker, share yours.

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