Friday, April 08, 2005

Now that's what I call music (c)

It hasn't been all bad. I finally got round to buying this today, too: Lust for Life, by Iggy Pop.

It's difficult to explain why I postponed buying this album for so long. Well, actually, no it isn't. I always associate Iggy Pop with a much-loved friend of mine (who I even shared the same birthday with), who killed himself not long after earning his Ph.D. Phil was a lovely, considerate, gentle bloke who I sat next to in Russian 'O' level classes for a couple of years (in fact, I doubt I'd have passed if it hadn't been for him) but who came to college with a wiser and more sceptical head on his shoulders than I did, a sweet and slightly obsessive teenager.

When Iggy came to play in Brum, we were 17. Phil was determined to go, and because I was too chicken, Phil realized that there would be a spare pair of boots free; these were my Dad's boots from his National Service days in the Marines. Thus, my most vivid memory of Phil is watching him stomp up our street in my Dad's old boots, audible from 150 yards away.

He brought them back the next day. "How was the gig?" I asked him. "Don't know," he said. "Spent most of it on me arse. I could barely stand up on the polished floor in those fucking boots."

Gave the album a listen to today. The opening track made me feel much less cheated by life.


Unknown said...

That is a great album. Also very good is Beat Em Up. Great, angry, funny stuff. Also worth a look is Iggy's movie appearance is in Coffee & Ciggarettes.


Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Musical associations can be both positive and negative. Touching story and I hope you get much pleasure out of the exhilerating Iggy et al.

John said...

Hi Reason. I'll check those out.

Lisa, I've already passed the album (having made a copy) onto my trainee surgeon niece, who went to see Madonna at Slane Castle last year, supported by "some Iggy Pop bloke who was mad" (her words).

The kids of today, eh?