Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Too Much Bloody Perspective*

A link from Reidski identifying Darren of Inveresk Street drew my attention to Perspective, which carries some excellent gig photos, including these of The Ex (of Spanish Civil War fame) and these of Manu Chao and the Radio Bemba Sound System tour, (which I caught at the Point, Dublin, last year). A happy coincidence, since my current driving listening is the entire back catalogue of Mano Negra, whose gig in Manchester back in the early 90s (late 80s, Jordi?) was by far one of the best I've ever been to - up there with the Pogues at the Hacienda and the 3 Johns, Chumbawamba, and Mekons in Leeds a couple of years back.

Yes, that's right. I'm gearing up for Primavera.

*David St. Hubbins


Jose said...

I'm glad you're getting ready for the Primavera Sound. Only one more week and we're there.
By the way, wasn't the 3 Johns the gig we went to (but was finally cancelled) when we met in London?

John said...

Hi Jose--

It was Faith Brothers!, but maybe the 3 Johns were supporting, I can't recall.

Martin sent me over the Go! Team debut album to listen to; it's very summery if a bit underproduced. A mate at work is loaning me the new Sonic Youth album too, so I'll listen to that tomorrow.

And while I was ill, another work colleague brought me in the Nouvelle Vague album, which is quite entertaining.

Only another 78 other bands to check out before next Thursday!

Jose said...

So it was the Faith Brothers. Why did I think it was the 3 Johns? You probably told me about them, then.
Anyway, as for the Primavera, you may want to listen to the Arcade Fire, if you haven't already. Apparently they are the band not to miss on Thursday.