Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Does Mockney Count as a Race?

Big Brother promotes racial and ethnic understanding, says Trevor Philips, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality.

"I don't suppose that the Big Brother house is most people's idea of any kind of reality. But in Kemal, the bisexual Muslim, Derek, the world's poshest black man, and Makosi, the feminist Zimbabwean nurse, we have three people who would confound any possible stereotyping."

Hang on a minute. What about Maxwell the cartoon Mockney Geezer, Anthony the Geordie moron, Leslie the Yorkshire ladette, and Roberto the food-loving Italian? Not an original idea between them.

And if you doubt that Starey Mary was an Irish stereotype, you've never been to Galway.


Neil said...

Is there anything such as "race" apart from the idea of "race". Obviously some people have a totally irrational hatred/fear of people not like them but that does not mean there is something called "race". If your stereotype of Muslims is that they are vey camp and bisexual and your stereotype of black people that they are very posh then Big Brother is not confounding your stereotype. Everyone has a stereotype of how people are: Northerners have one of Southerners (UK and USA). Sometimes stereotypes are positive and sometimes they disappoint: not everyone from Dudley is as funny or as handsome as Lenny Henry; not everyone from Portora can write like Sam Beckett. But we can but hope.

John said...

Although Portora has a decent track record (i.e. Wilde as well).

Martin said...

as funny as Lenny Henry was 25 years ago