Monday, July 25, 2005

Big Brother Isn't Watching

I have this poster framed and looking over me in my study, just to remind me I'm being watched. Now I find myself wondering if I am and if "secure" was ever meant to refer to the passengers at all. Perhaps it refers to the buses and trains.


John said...

Yes, when I say "study" I mean a box room with books in it.

Reidski said...

You have a study and you're a semi-pro tennis player - but, with nod to Jane's last post, do you have a plasma TV in your bathroom?

John said...

Hah ha! Just read Jane's post. Excellent.

I don't have a plasma-screen TV, but I do have a large-breasted blonde trophy wife. That said, she does have a lithe, tanned, 6 foot 4 inch toy-boy.

Jesus, what a wanker I am.

John said...

That's a trophy wife on the executive committee of her trade union and a better socialist than I'll ever be.

Reidski said...

Now I don't know when you're telling the truth - oh, I get it, you're not lithe!