Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Much Ado About Not Much

First report from Indymedia Ireland via Anarkismo (both left).


Imposs1904 said...

Someone carrying a camera at the demo dismissively refers to other people as "non-combatants" - bless.

I only saw parts of the demo - the starting point and later on at Princes Street when all the riot police were in places, streets were blocked off and the police horses and dogs were there or thereabouts.

It reminded me of depressingly similar type demos I've attended in London: a ritualistic spectacle of handbags at ten paces, hyped up and demonised by the media beforehand.

I'd sooner be in a branch of Starbucks drinking a cafe latte and reading David Aaronovitch's latest piece.

John said...

You're clearly being sarcastic. What you really meant was "I'd rather be in a cybercafe drinking Irn Bru and reading Counago & Spaves"

John said...

BTW, did you get any autographs, Darren? ;0)

Imposs1904 said...

Billy Bragg didn't have a pen, and Workers Power wouldn't lend me theirs.