Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Irish Corruption

Just encountered this blog for the first time and I love it.

When I initially moved to Ireland, I was horrified not just by the extent of corruption here but also by the brazenness of it; little effort was made to hide the links in the (usually short) chain, no attempt was made to even disguise or sugar-coat nepotism and partiality, and it was even a matter of pride to demonstrate "cuteness." What most astonished me, however, was the apparent willingness of most Irish people to tolerate all of this, as if it was simply the way of the world. It seems to me that only now, after many, many years of never seeing the promised gains of the Celtic Tiger materialize, that people are recognizing that they've been had. What was the Partnership for Prosperity and Fairness but a massive con to keep PAYE workers placid and contented at the prospect of proportionate pay increases while the Boom was sucked dry by the usual suspects?

Well, I like this blogger's rage. And while corruption may end up just being a wedge issue for the Shinners, it will do us all good to rage and raise our voices till something happens.

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