Monday, November 21, 2005

So how will that work then?

Somebody at work claimed today that there have been so may storms in the U.S. this year that they have been right through the alphabet naming them, and will now start again using the Greek alphabet!


John said...

Maybe they meant Greek names, like Hurricane Spiros, Hurricane Papadopoulos, and so on.

Martin said...

Why not use the ancient Egyptian alphabet? Hurricane Ankh,Hurricane Bushel, Hurricnane Cow etc.

John said...

Excellent idea. Hurricane Cat, Hurricane Weird Looking Bird, Hurricane Heavily Mascara'ed Eye.

John said...

Kohl, presumably, not mascara, but you get the idea.

Martin said...

Good joke heard last week from Glaswegian comedian Steve Carlin(?)
about the confusion it would cause if they named one Hurricane Higgins. Thousands of dollars worth of destruction done to downtown Miami etc.Back to his old ways I see.