Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Happy New Year from Counago & Spaves

Some of us here are lazy sods for whom the above message is the full extent of expressing our benevolence towards humanity. Others amongst us are far wittier and more energetic, in spite of appearances to the contrary.

Take it easy, all you blogophiles, and have a good one. If you're feeling spritely, have two: It won't do you any harm.


Reidski said...

Now that's what I call clever!

griff said...

indeed. hat's off to jordi!

and a happy new year to you all.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Very funny. Happy new year guys and see ya in 2006...

John said...

Hats off to Josep too. Jeez Griff, it's been a long time since you saw either of them, eh?

griff said...

yeah, it must be well over a decade. :-(

mind you, when was the last time i saw YOU?

John said...

Dunno. Was I married?

Jose said...

Yes, it was me. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks a lot.

griff said...

i THINK you were married, yes.