Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It All Becomes Clear Now

Thanks to Secular Front, a veritable treasure trove of artwork by born-again Christian Jim Pinkoski explains verses of the Bible in case you can't figure them out for yourself.

Try this one, for instance.

Or this!!

There's just pages of the stuff. Amazing.


John said...

Now I come to think of it, what DID happen to all those dinosaurs who were sea-dwelling? Presumably they WEREN'T killed off by the flood. Where are they now?

Could it be that they've EVOLVED???

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Shame on you! Doubting "intelligent design"...

tum te tum... stirring, stirring...
great link btw

Dr. Hulbeck said...

These are brilliant. My appreciation of the Bible has been increased tenfold, or at any rate halfagainfold, by the understanding that Adam was twice the size of Kareem-Abdul Jabbar. And I'll admit that pygmies had always baffled me. No more!

-- Herr. K

John said...

And a greater appreciation for what basketball must have been like back in Old Testament times.

John said...

P.S. Like the new avatar?