Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Place to be on Saturday Nights ca. 1985-91

and April 2006.


griff said...

*misty eyed*

it's nearly 15 years since i stopped running the faulkners. but young men, we were.

John said...

Glory days. Remember Scurvy & Ricketts?

And what about Italia 90?


Unknown said...

that place just seems to be everybody's favourite... I have a conversation with a high powered Company Director recently, who confessed it was the only establishment in Alty he would go to;
and my favourite (ex) housemate was recently seen there buying drinks to anyone over 60 who was standing at the bar (yes she spent a lot of money, yes she was already intoxicated when she got there, yes she has aa lovely time).

John said...

Hi Stef--

I wouldn't say it was the only place I'd go to! But for many years it was. Just for the company. I never drank any beer while I was there.

I wonder if the old fellas who used to prop up the bar are still there/alive.

Martin said...

And The Grapes is now an Italian restaurant,of sorts.Which just leaves The Roebuck,Dot says "Hello" Griff.

griff said...

dot's still alive? say hello back, please. very loudly in case her hearing's gone.

as for the faulkners, it was the sunday nights we spent down at the bottom laughing our head's off that i remember the most fondly. always the highlight of my week.

Unknown said...

the success of this pot makes me think now.... maybe they should put a sign on the door saying "Voted *better than Italy* in a recent online survey!" (oh, marketing!)

There are always some old men propping up the bar, I think though turnover is very high in that job.

griff said...

old george always said he'd give the beer up when it got to £5 a pint anyway.

Bill said...

This old fella's still alive but he's propping up different bars these days

John said...

Ah yes, Griff, those Sunday nights. I remember one time I invited a couple of anarcho-syndicalists from the Direct Action Movement to come down, and they couldn't get over the fact that there were about 20 of us who all knew each other, joking and laughing and having the craic. I'm sure they were hoping to recruit us all.