Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Our Brightest and Best

A conversation between several college students overheard on the train this morning:

Female 1: He's a right twat. Even in the seminars he wears a coalman's hat.

Female 2: Are you serious? The tutor doesn't make him take it off?

Male 1: No. He looks a complete eejit, but nobody says anything.


Female 2: Is he epileptic?

Female 1 (confused): No.

Male 1: I think someone should cut the bobble off it for a laugh.

Female 2 (confused): Bobble?

Male 1: Yeah, the woolly bobble on it.

Female 2: Why does he have a woolly bobble on a hardhat?

Female 1: It isn't a hardhat. It's a coalman's hat. The bloke who delivers coal.

Male 1 (penny dropping): You're thinking of a coal miner.

Female 2: Oh yeah. Sorry.

(Embarrassed silence of half a minute.)

Female 1: That makes sense to me, now. I was wondering why you thought epileptics wore woolly hats.

1 comment:

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

That is a priceless exchange. Should be in the 'All Ears' section of the Guardian!