Thursday, December 14, 2006

That's Entertainment

The film might be crap, I've not seen it, but the soundtrack includes The Jam, The Clash, Wreckless Eric,The Upsetters, Califone and Delta 5.


Imposs1904 said...

Curious with the choice of tracks, I did a bit of digging and I noticed that one of the 'music supervisors' for the film is a bloke called Brian Reitzell.

It turns out that he also supervised the music for Marie Antoinette, which has music from Gang of Four, Adam and the Ants and Bow Wow Wow on the soundtrack.

I'm presuming that the 'music supervisor' is the person who rifles through their record collection.

I wonder how much Wreckless Eric will get for the track. He seemed a bit embittered when I saw in that recent documentary about the Stiff record label.

Btw, I heard that the film is pretty good.

John said...

I was going to say, "cashing in on the Gang of Four effect."

I may go to see this film, but probably not: I think anticipation is so much better.


Incidentally, has anyone noticed the Ferris Bueller influence on Football Focus? Two weeks ago the goals roundup was accompanied by "Rotating Head," by The Beat, a version of which appears in the movie, and last week's interview with David James was a parody of the trip to the Art Institute of Chicago. What's all that about?

Martin said...

It's a large gallery in Illinois.

Lorcy said...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has a lot to answer for both in terms of music choice, and overall shiteness

sheshark said...

saw the film last night, after the Leonard Cohen doc - a doublebill of disappointment! how can you not make a great film about Leonard Cohen???

but i thought stranger than fiction was really underwhelming. it's going for a Groundhog Day poignancy with its comedy, but Ferrell is no Bill Murray and his charm is just not enough. Emma Thompson chewed up the scenery w/ a bag of irritating neurotic ticks and Queen Latifah was only allowed to stand about rolling her eyes. Still Dustin Hoffman got some good lines as a Literature professor/lifeguard.

The Wreckless Eric moment is pretty central as Will Ferrell's version on the acoustic guitar is what gets him the cute bakery girl (Maggie Gyllenhall), and they kiss and the original then comes crashing in. this bit was ace, (allbeit in an indieboy wish fulfillment way, wqhich is alright by me).

i'm not sure i've ever read an interview w/ wreckless eric where he didn't seem bitter.

i'm now off to Shortbus, which i've heard is the the most politically important American film of the year.
perhaps i should cool it with the expectations...