Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What's Known as a Slow News Day

Man Admits Throwing Traffic Cone in Edinburgh.


Reidski said...

And another in the "Who Gives A Fuck" section of the Scottish news is this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/south_of_scotland/6269244.stm

Not even a "and finally" piece of bollocks!!

John said...

I particularly like the fact that "fascinating birds" was left in quotation marks to indicate that it was someone's personal opinion and not necessarily objectively true.

iLL Man said...

He actually almost crippled the girl. All's well that ends well, she's learn't to walk again and forgiven the drunken cunt. I'd have been shoving his head into a meat grinder right enough, but you know how those religious types can be...............