11th annual Hideout Block Party
Friday 7th: From the Lake to the Loch: A Celebration of British Influenced Pop Music.
Saturday 8th: A Celebration of Psychedelic-Punk-Country-Marching Band-Disco-Glee Club-Square Dance-Orchestral-Pop-Rock!
Up to date enough for you, Will, you moaning get?
Oh, I thought it was the Hideout on Sth William Street.
Think I'm gannin to see this:
From Die Tageszeitung 14.08.2007
Irene Grüter reports from the 39th tampere theatre festival in Finland. The event, the largest of its kind in Scandinavia, bills 20 Finnish and six international productions, two of which are based on Finnish works. Grüter was particularly impressed by the "Estonian production of 'Kokkola', a tragicomedy by Leea Klemola which was selected the best Finnish play of 2005. It takes place well within the vodka belt, the local name for that latitude above which a drinking culture exists that has less to do with alcoholism than an attitude to life. 'Being drunk is just a way of contemplating the world,' says Piano consolingly to Reejo, who lies drunk on the side of the road. Piano operates a 'private transport enterprise.' His crowded bus, bedecked with elk antlers, comes to the aid of those on the verge of disappearing into an ice - or communication - hole."
We should organize a bus!
Aye -- allreet.
We should bring this lad as well
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