Friday, November 16, 2007

Kevin Williamson Says It All

Like one or two other anarchs, pseudo-anarchs, crypto-anarchs, and quasi-anarchs in the vicinity, I've been watching the implosion of Respect: The Unity Coalition for the past few weeks (via Splintered Sunrise, Socialist Unity, et al.) with a mixture of amusement, bemusement, contempt, and a surprising (to me) degree of detachment mixed in with, I admit, a little schadenfreude based on 25 years of proximity to, and low-level encounters with, the authoritarian Left. I haven't commented on events at all simply because they aren't worth it: It hasn't yet sunk in with those dinosaurs of the old left that their arguments add up to nothing of any relevance to anyone but themselves. Happily, however, what thoughts I have had on the subject have been nicely expressed by Kevin Williamson of the Scottish Patient, whom I have unforgivably neglected up to this point (despite links to his blog at Darren and Reidski and J.J.'s sites). That neglect is partly rectified, I hope, by his addition to the blog roll in the gently expanding Scottish department.


Lorcy said...

see I thought this post was about
kevil williamson

writer of dawsons creek and scream
who apparently was gay (his second name was 'well...duuuh'

Reidski said...

I think I gave up on political activism as too many of my comrades/colleagues/fellow travellers wished to change the world, but probably couldn't tell you the name of their neighbours. I have far more serious and important discussions about the world down the Marquis of Granby in New Cross than I ever did in CP meetings! And I'm not fucking joking about that!

John said...

Hi Reidski--

I think it's more common among younger activists to have a love of "the people" in the abstract while lacking the social skills to enable them to relate to people in the particular. It's a forgivable lack of humility and perspective in someone under the age of, say, 30, but after that it becomes a bit pathological.

John said...

via Darren