Thursday, September 18, 2008

Daddy, What's a Scab?

New York magazine explains the Miners' Strike for its readers on the occasion of Billy Elliot's arrival on Broadway.


George S said...

I think they've got this a bit wrong.

As I recall, it wasn't the announcement that mines were going to be closed that led to the strike. It was a strike about pay in the first place. In the course of it Scargill warned that mines would be closed, that that was the government's secret agenda, and indeed, after the strike, they were closed.

The union split in the course of the strike. That led to the collapse of the union. And of pretty well the whole industrial landscape.

Maybe that's too complex for a theatre guide...

J.J said...

There is a helpful glossary in the programme which translates from Geordie for the southerners in the audience. I think the Americans are going to need that too.