Thursday, November 27, 2008

Towards a New Economic Narrative

The Irish Left Review has just posted Michael Taft's program of recommendations for a sustained economic recovery to counter the preponderance of right-wing narratives masquerading as common sense in the mainstream Irish media. It's well worth a read and deserves dissemination.


Anonymous said...

I've obviously been returning to my ultra-left roots in recent months, but I hated it! It's a reasonable programme for saving capitalism. But should that be a priority for anarchists/socialists?

John said...

It's probably not the new economic narrative that you or I might advance, Stuart, I'll give you that! I think it's more like an essay written out of frustration at the absence of anything coming from the mainstream left in Ireland that meets the FF/FG arguments on their terms. Michael's advanced it in the hope of generating debate, of which there's none here at all.

Reidski said...

Stuart, as Lena Martell et al have sang: One Day At a Time! Your prescription for the ills of society will, no doubt, be what we wish to see at the end of the road we are only just starting out on. What Taft has set out is merely a beginning!