Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Much??!!!!!!!

Brill has just published a new book on Cornelius Castoriadis entitled Castoriadis: Psyche, Society, Autonomy, by Jeff Klooger.

I'm sure the paperback won't be far behind.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone bought the film rights? I'll wait for the film, or your review, whichever comes sooner.

Jeff said...

Hi John, this is Jeff Klooger. Do me a favour: if you would like to buy the book but can't afford the hardback price (which I can fully understand - it is incredible, isn't it?), then send an email to Brill telling them that you would love to buy it if it were in paperback. That way they will know there is a demand for it. I am just afraid that if no one buys the hardback because of the price they won't do a paperback edition.

John said...

Hi Jeff--

Consider it done.

Dai Marden said...

I'll also be sending an email.

John said...

Cheers, Dai. The groundswell is building. ;-)