Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sell Your Soul

A brief but enlightening interview in Publishers Weekly magazine with author Clancy Martin, whose debut novel, How to Sell, tells the story of an impressionable Canadian teenager who learns some hard lessons about life, love and diamonds in 1980s Fort Worth:

What's a juicy bit that didn't make it into the book?

We were in China to buy pearls, and this guy said, you have to come see my factory. We go to see it, and this factory is the size of 15 or 20 airport hangars. And he said to me, “The great thing is, the workers never have to leave. They have a hospital here, they have a school here. One week a year they can go home to their village, but the rest of the time, they stay right here and they never even have to go outside.” We did not do business with this guy.

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