Friday, October 23, 2009


My Father was in the Royal Marines but my Mother was a florist. Am I a Nazi?


cakes said...

My dad was in the RAF and my mum worked in an office and I'm quite nasty. BTW, was watching with the rolling Ceefax text messages on and this was my favourite: "Nick Griffin is only saying what people in the COUNTY (my initials) think". From Tony. In Essex.

John said...

It all depends. What kind of Florist was she? Did she specialize in Japanese flower arranging, experimenting on human subjects, or making buttonholes for National Front rallies?

Martin said...

One thing I learnt last night was that Stephen Gately was teaching homosexuality to primary school children.Who knew?

John said...

I've no objection to that at all. So long as he wasn't teaching them music.