Friday, April 01, 2005

Grassroots Gathering

This weekend in Dublin. Go if you can.

Including, on April 4,

The Miners Strike 20 years On.

A talk by Dave Douglass, an anarchist and lay NUM official on the Miners Strike.

For 29 years David or Dave (or "Danny The Red", as he is more popularly known around the mining community of Stainforth and Hatfield) worked as a coal miner in the coal fields of Durham and South Yorkshire. Since 1979 he has been the elected NUM Branch Delegate for Hatfield Colliery. In 1994/5 he became Branch Secretary at Hatfield Main but after the pit was privatised the NUM no longer had any recognition there. In 1994 he opened the Miners Community Advice Centre in Stainforth so that he may help the people from the mining community - working miners, ex-miners and their widows and dependants. The centre also acts as a political, sociological and Trade Union Centre, taking up the causes affecting the Mining Industry and Mining Community.

Dave has written a number of books, including his autobiography; "Geordies - Wa Mental" and "All power to the imagination". Politically Dave describes himself as "a revolutionary Marxist on the Anarchist left, and a member of South Yorkshire Class War and the IWW".

And while we're at it:

Anti Deportations Demo

Residents Againts Racism have called a demonstration for Saturday April 2nd at 12.30 meeting outside the G.P.O. in O' Connell Street against racism and deporations. Please come along and bring your fellow workers/students/friends and family.

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