Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Masturbation: Better than Heroin

From Wired, reports that clinicians and researchers appearing before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee, told senators that Internet pornography leads to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction.

Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and adviser to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, told the committee that

"Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance. That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect."

Am I the only one seeing the potential here for a campaign to get junkies off drugs?

No difficulty trying to find a vein now, eh?

1 comment:

Martin said...

Someone should have told Genesis P. Orridge before he got his upgrade.