Monday, October 17, 2005

Winner Candy

You can already take a look at the long list of awards for the Sitges Film Festival. The film awarded for best picture and best script in the Fantastic section is Hard Candy, a triumph to which surely my Catalan subtitles contributed (ahem). Surprisingly the film has a very low rating at the IMDB site.
Anyway, right now they are showing A History of Violence, the last film by David Cronenberg. In my opinion, one of his most enjoyable and interesting works.


Martin said...

Ah Jose, don't get me started on A History. I seem to be in a minority of people who think it's a backward step for Cronenburg. Poor dialogue, poor script, over the top performances.If you're going to adapt a graphic novel either be obvious like Sin City or distance yourself from the format. I could go on.

John said...

"Go on, go on."

(James Caan in Rollerball).

Jose said...

Yes, Martin, you can go on. ;-)
Well, I liked the film and you didn't like it. That happens to me all the time. Sometimes I like films most people don't, and vice versa.
The thing is that I saw that film, I didn't know what to expect, and I enjoyed it.

Martin said...

What's strange is that it has had universally great reviews and everyone i know who's seen it has loved it.It must be me.

John said...

Nah. I think it's shite, but I haven't seen it yet.

Jose said...

John, is that fraternal love or what? :-)

John said...

I just think the odd arbitrary decision now and again makes life more interesting.