Thursday, March 30, 2006

a belated farewell to nikki sudden

until two days ago, i'd never knowingly heard a thing by nikki sudden, legendary singer and guitarist with post-punk icons swell maps. their reputation preceded them and yet i'd never quite managed to find them, despite falling for sudden's melancholic brother, epic soundtracks, a few years ago.

then, dare i say suddenly, i heard of NS's demise in new york following a gig at the knitting factory. the causes of his death are as yet unknown although first thoughts of an overdose are now swinging towards a possible heart attack. he was 49.

strangely, perhaps morbidly, his death finally galvanised me into seeking out swell maps' first two albums, "a trip to marineville" and "jane from occupied europe" and they really are both a gloriously cacophonous racket with "special" running right through them like blackpool rock. i almost feel guilty enjoying them right now.

but, more than anything, my thoughts are with sudden's parents, both of whom survive him. epic soundtracks was found dead in november 1997 and now they have to somehow deal with the death of their other son. i cannot even begin to imagine how they feel right now.


Reidski said...

"Let's Go And Build A Car" in his memory - and keep playing his music cos it is fucking classic stuff! And two great names those brothers gave themselves, by the way!

griff said...

i've just visited your blog for the first time. i shall keep an eye on it, my friend.

by the way, i couldn't reply to the NS post you'd made.. is there a reason for that or is my computer playing up?

Reidski said...

Nah, I think my blog has been playing up this week - well, how else can I explain the fact that no fucker has commented for some time, eh?

Thanks for trying anyway griff!!

Martin said...

Who would have thought that Solihull could produce so many wonderful siblings.

Reidski,I tried commenting on your latest post a couple of times to no avail.You didn't miss much to be honest.