Monday, July 17, 2006

Exchange & Mart

Sunday saw the climax of the weekend SWAP festival with a free concert in Cathedral Gardens, Manchester City Centre. As the website didn't give a running order I went down at midday to see what was planned and catch a couple of bands before nipping home for some scran. Now you would have thought that one of the organisers may have picked up on two of the word used above i.e Cathedral and Sunday and realised that there may be some heavy bell action at some point.But no, second band up The Paperwives with strings and four female backing singers were all but drowned out by the 1pm peal fest which spoilt thing somewhat and hastened my appointment with Sunday lunch.

I returned at 5pm in time for all of Sandi Thom's set and wished I'd had pudding instead. Let's hope last month's media hype is soon forgotten and she goes back to online obscurity. Less balls than Avril Lavigne. Highlight was new Manc-Americana band Cherry Ghost , nice darkhearted ballads sung like a more nasal Richard Hawley and a version of Ce Ce Peniston's "Finally". Class, and my latest tip for greatness.

I am Kloot were due on at 8 but hadn't arrived by 8.20 and as I had to be in the pub by 9.15 I missed them.

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