Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Proof of What, Exactly?

You decide:

Proof that God designed the universe for human consumption.

Proof that evolution designed bananas to fit monkeys' hands so they'd shit the seeds everywhere.


Proof that intelligent design only applies to bananas and not to Creationists themselves.

Which do YOU think?


Lorcy said...

those christian lads don't mention that bananas can easily fit up your hole as well! (for 'ease of access') is that part of god's plan? No the 'athesist's nightmare' is people appearing on television a scientific invention denouncing evolutionary science.

Giorgia said...

actually the point should be that, basically, if one's a christian, should not need a proof to believe, you just do - that's what's called faith, as simple as that. if one needs to prove that, well, maybe should begin to question their own faith, not god, methinks...

Giorgia said...

(same applies to other religions, by the way, but since we were talking about christians i ended up including only christians in my two cents. oh, by the way, i happen to be a christian myself, said this i also think that evolutionary science makes sense to me, too. but, then again, maybe i'm not sane... :)

John said...

Hi Giorgia--

Thanks for your comment.

It does indeed apply to other religions, but it's very rare to find a believer who requires no proof for God at all! For me, that would be genuine faith, especially when sceptics say, "well, why believe in God any more than the existence of infinite parallel universes, or lizards from the 26th dimension?" Who on earth put it in your mind to believe in a God?

I bet it was that Jesus bloke.

Martin said...

If God is such a wizz why didn't he provide the monkeys with icecream. They love it!

Didn't I hear somewhere that in the wild chimps open bananas from the blunt end?

Giorgia said...

> Who on earth put it in your mind to believe in a God?

i honestly don't have an answer for this. surely enough i was raised as a christian (even worse than that, as a *shock**horror* catholic!!! ;-)). i only speak for myself, of course, but, for instance, i do not ask people to believe in what i do, if they don't want to - that would be nonsense, since to have faith in something should mean one believes in that something because they want to, not because they're forced to do so or something, so, yes, if there's anybody who believes in lizards from the 26th dimension, that's fair enough for me.
the way that i see it all is that it was mankind who gave names, so, as far as i know, god could even be a lizard from the 26th dimension, indeed...i just believe god exists, that's enough for my little mind. :)

(oh, on a completely unrelated note, i got here from stefania's blog - she's a friend of mine!)

John said...

Any friend of Stefania's is welcome here, whether she believes in lizards from the 26th dimension or not.

Lorcy, what are your views on the lizards?

Lorcy said...

the lizards from the 26th dimensions are a good bunch of lads, it's those feckers from the 27th dimension you have to watch out for.