Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Just a quick mention of the two films I got to see at this years Spanish Film Festival (I would get to more if they weren't a) sold out b) during work hours c) during the footy season).

I did see Salvador, a none too convincing depiction of the arrest and execution of the last man to be garotted in Spain. Sadly he's portrayed as a naive kid who was only larking about and not the hardened political activist responsible for bank jobs and shoot-outs. It says a lot when the best performance, and the role you want to see expanded on, is by the actor playing the fascist prison guard.

Secondly was azuroscurocasinegro another film revolving around prison-life but in this case a funny and touching drama about a young man trapped in his job and family.


John said...


Salvador got a critical reception at anarkismo, too.

Martin said...

No-one told be there was a boycott!

John said...

Jordi, why weren't you picketing?!

Jose said...

It was a good choice of films. Salvador may be far from perfect, and it's a bit controversial, but I found it very interesting, even from a technical point of view.
And azuloscurocasinegro was one of my favourite Spanish films last year.

jordi said...

we couldn't organise a picket on time...
I liked it as a sort of commercial/fiction film that narrates a story. There's no politics in it, no mention of Bakunin nor Durruti, who were very influential, I believe, in Salvador's group ideology. And the fascit copper that turns good, just made it hard to believe and to get involved in the film...