Monday, May 14, 2007

Zen Masturbation and Time Travel

Not a Python reference (and I'm not sure whether there should be commas) but the currrent interests, according to the Comments here, of the brilliant and wonderful Carlton B. Morgan.

Perhaps Gwent is more interesting than I imagined.


Carlton B Morgan said...

There should, indeed, be commas.

Carlton B Morgan said...

There, should indeed, be comma's.

John said...

ha ha ha. Thanks.

"Zen, Masturbation, and Time Travel."

Hmm. I know how time travels: Time flies. But how do zen and masturbation travel?

Carlton B Morgan said...

Zen travels on the Nothing Special.

John said...

And I imagine Masturbation travels by tugboat.

Curious Guy said...

ha ha! Thanks for that comma. My mind was already wrestling with weird, unspeakable visions. Zen masturbation...what was I thinking of?