Thursday, October 04, 2007

He Says Yes, But He Means No.

I'm sorry to have only belatedly spotted these previews of five forthcoming books on prayer and self-help in the August 13 issue of Publishers Weekly. The books under consideration are Sister Wendy on Prayer, by Sister Wendy Beckett; The Ten-Second Prayer Principle: How to Pray Powerfully & Effectively in Today's Busy World, by Mark Littleton; Sacred Attention: A Spiritual Practice for Finding God in the Moment, by Margaret D. McGee; Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You, by Deborah Norville, and, best of all, God Said Yes, by Heather Hornback-Bland and Ninie Hammon:

When Hornback-Bland was four years old, she fell out of a car her mother was driving and was run over. Doctors were sure she wouldn't survive, but more than 30 years and 187 surgeries later, she is still here—a mom and a motivational speaker. In this book she tells the full story of her devastating injuries (which still cause her intense pain, nausea and complications) and her road to Christian faith. She has endured more terrible trials since the accident, including abuse, seven-figure medical debt and the horror of losing a newborn. Readers will want to have tissues handy for this pain-filled but inspiring and hopeful memoir.

You know, I feel inspired already.


David Todd said...

I think I'd have designed and manufactured a good child seat so other children wouldn't fall out of their mothers cars. Women drivers!

Lorcy said...

yep god really loves her, he's there going 'for fuck sake! what do I have to do to get rid of her!!' and what does sister wendy beckett pray for? 'please let me back on the telly'