Wednesday, July 14, 2010

He's Also a Naturell Kokbar

Nice story here from Libération:

Un Grec de 77 ans qui figure par erreur sur les pots de yaourt de recette turque vendus par une laiterie suédoise a obtenu plus de 160.000 euros de dédommagements.

A 77-year-old Greek bloke has received €160,000 in damages from a Swedish dairy after his picture was used on pots of Turkish-style yogurt.

. . .

Le Grec avait été alerté au printemps par un ami vivant à Stockholm. Il avait immédiatement réclamé près de 5 millions d’euros à Lindahl pour l’avoir assimilé à un Turc et avoir utilisé depuis des années son image sans autorisation sur ce yaourt populaire vendu dans presque tous les supermarchés de Suède.

La laiterie Lindahl plaidait le malentendu, en expliquant avoir acheté la photographie de bonne foi à une banque d’images. Selon les médias suédois, le moustachu se nomme Minas Karatzoglis.

The Greek bloke was alerted in spring by a mate living in Stockholm. He immediately demanded around €5 million from Lindahl for calling him a Turk and for having used his picture without authorisation for some years on this popular yogurt sold in nearly all Swedish supermarkets.

The dairy said it was a misunderstanding, explaining that it had bought the picture in good faith from an image bank. According to Swedish media, his name is Minas Karatzoglis.

1 comment:

Bob Byrne said...

Could be worse. It could have been pile cream or something. I worked in a place where we used stock images every day and we once got a letter from a solicitor saying his clients photo was stolen from the internet and were about to sue the company. Turns out the dizzy girl 'forgot' she did the photoshoot