Sunday, April 10, 2005

What Noise Does an Anarchist Make?

Mostly a kind of whining sound.

A joke at my own expense and the opening line to novel No. 4, which my agent is waiting very patiently for while she tries to flog the previous three to unsuspecting publishing houses around the world. Also my way of introducing our latest blogroll addition, Fruits of Our Labour, a rather fetchingly designed site which describes itself as centering around the positive social developments in the world today.* The New York/Cowes duo who blog there explain that

“Many blogs on the left are cynical or negative, which is understandable considering the current climate. Our intention is to provide positive and inspirational news and content reminding us that another world is indeed possible.”

Something that some of us need reminding of on a regular basis.

*Okay, so the fact that our reading and musical tastes seem to coincide might also have been a contributory factor to the decision.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just caught this John, thanks again for the kudos and yes, I was pleasantly surprised by our similar tastes.

In solidarity,